Who gives gum disease

Who gives gum disease?
Generally, people do not show signs of gum disease until they are between 30 and 50 years. Men are more likely than women to have gum disease. Although teenagers rarely develop periodontitis, they can develop gingivitis, the mildest form of gum disease. In general, the gum disease develops when the plate is allowed to accumulate along and below the gum line.

How do I know if I have gum disease?
Los sin Tomas de la enfermedad de lass encase include:
Mal alien to constant
Encase Rojas o inflamed
Encase may sensible o queue sang ran
Dolor al mastic
Dinettes folios
Dinettes sensible
Encase retreads o dinettes queue se van mass largos de lo normal.
Cualquiera de stops sin Tomas pureed ser ulna seal de un problem grave queue debt ser examined poor un dentist.
Cando via al dentist, el dentist o el hygienist debar:
Heerlen precuts sober us historian medical Para determiner is hay odors problems o factors de resign, tales Como el habit de fulmar, queue quizzes influent en la enfermedad de lass encase.
Examinable lass encase Para veer is hay Laguna seal de inflammation.
User ulna "soda", queue as ulna specie de regal may piquant, Para determiner is hay balsas periodontal y medullas. En ulna Boca Sana, la profundidad de esters balsas as de enter 1 y 3 millimeters. Normal manta east probe no causal dolor.
El dentist o hygienist dental ambient pureed:
Heerlen ulna radiographic Para saber si hay podrida o distaste de hues.
Recommendable aun period onsite. El periodoncista as un specialist en el diagnostic y treatment de la enfermedad de lass encase y le pureed dark okras options de treatment.
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